Shades of Sheol by Peter J. Leithart

Shades of Sheol

Resurrection and the Restoration of Israel: The Ultimate Victory of the God of Life
by Jon D. Levenson
Yale University Press, 2006
(304 pages, $40.00, hardcover)

reviewed by Peter J. Leithart

When Paul commends the faith of Abraham in Romans 4, he commends not only the fact but also the content of Abraham’s faith. Like Abraham, Christians are called to trust in the God who raises the dead. For Paul, the faith of Israel has always been faith in the God who gives new life on the far side of the grave.


Peter J. Leithart is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America and the president of Trinity House Institute for Biblical, Liturgical & Cultural Studies in Birmingham, Alabama. His many books include Defending Constantine (InterVarsity), Between Babel and Beast (Cascade), and, most recently, Gratitude: An Intellectual History (Baylor University Press). His weblog can be found at He is a contributing editor of Touchstone.

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