Shepherd Under Fire by Bullen Dolli + Mark Tooley

Shepherd Under Fire

An Interview with Bishop Bullen Dolli of Sudan

Born in 1945, Bullen Dolli entered Bishop Gwynne Theological College for the ordained ministry in 1964. Because of the outbreak of the Sudanese civil war, he completed his theological studies in St. Paul’s United Theological College at Limuru, Kenya, in 1965, and was ordained in 1966 in Uganda. He worked in Zaire with Sudanese refugees, returning to Sudan in 1972, where he was appointed the archdeacon of Mundri in 1976.

Afterwards, Bishop Dolli received further theological training, including diplomas in church administration from Mindolo Ecumenical Center, and in economic development from Dublin, and a diploma in agriculture from Nairobi.


Mark Tooley directs the United Methodist committee of the Institute on Religion and Democracy ( in Washington, D.C.

Mark Tooley directs the United Methodist committee of the Institute on Religion and Democracy ( in Washington, D.C.

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