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Touchstone—A Journal of Mere Christianity

Published by:
The Fellowship of St. James
P.O. Box 410788
Chicago, IL 60641

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submission guidelines

• For general editorial policies or to submit an article, please see our Submission Guidelines.

• To submit a book review, please see our Book Review Submission Guidelines.


• For permission to reprint an article or post it on a webpage, contact or call 1-773-481-1090. (Please note that permission is required to photocopy articles for distribution, though permission for adult education classes, Bible study groups, and the like will almost always be granted.)

• To order back issues, visit the FSJ online store, or call 1-877-375-7373.


• To download a pdf of the Rate Card, click here. The card includes the closing dates for reserving ad space for this year’s issues.

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Relfections on Art and Christianity
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The Daily Devotional Guide

by Patrick Henry Reardon

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