
A Journal for Men & Women

by David Mills


St. Barabbas?

The New Martyrs of the Religious Left
by Mark Tooley


Practical Christianity

Indescribable Happiness

by Thomas S. Buchanan

13.3—April 2000


Judge Deborah

The Hebrew Prophetess in Christian Tradition
by Patrick Henry Reardon

Between Two Fears

Why Gregory Nazianzen Ran Away from the Priesthood: A Reflection on His Second Oration
by Addison H. Hart


Stealing from God

S. M. Hutchens on the Eighth Commandment

Trusting Tradition

Frederica Mathewes-Green on What We Believe

book reviews

A Serious Wake-Up Call

Christendom Awake
by Aidan Nichols, O.P.
reviewed by Leon J. Podles

Courtship for Christians

Her Hand in Marriage
by Douglas Wilson
reviewed by Kevin Offner

The Rise of the Megachurch

Reinventing American Protestantism
by Donald E. Miller
reviewed by Brad Stetson


Every issue of Touchstone also contains short commentaries by our editors, news about the persecuted church, and our spirited letters section.

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