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Suffer the Children

How Can the Young Flourish Without Peace?
by Anthony Esolen


Man, Woman & the Mystery of Christ

An Evangelical Protestant Perspective
by Russell D. Moore



A Fast for the Feast

by Anthony Esolen

From Heavenly Harmony

Christus Victoriae

by Ken Myers

As It Is Written...

Jesus Now Glorified

by Patrick Henry Reardon

A Thousand Words

The Risen Christ by Michelangelo Buonarotti

by Mary Elizabeth Podles

First Books

States to Imagine

by Kathie Johnson

28.2—March/April 2015


The Icon of Materialism

Why Scientism's Cherished Progress Narrative Fails
by Jonathan Witt

As Goes Sweden

Neo-Pagan Family Policies Doom Any Recovery
by Allan C. Carlson

Echoes of Samaria

Finding Jesus & Neighbors in the Holy Land
by Michael Baum


Facing God

David Mills on Divine Worship & the Natural Limits of Community

Thine the Deadly Pain

Michael S. Luckey on How a Presbyterian Pastor Rediscovered the Passion

Time To Move Along

Bob Perry on How a Good & Faithful Man Says Goodbye

book reviews

Critical Masses

Young Catholic America: Emerging Adults In, Out of, and Gone from the Church
by Christian Smith, Kyle Longest, Jonathan Hill, and Kari Christoffersen
reviewed by Leon J. Podles

Valued Voters

The Age of Evangelicalism: America's Born Again Years
by Steven P. Miller
reviewed by John Murdock

Prognosis Pending

An Anxious Age: The Post-Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of America
by Joseph Bottum
reviewed by John C. Chalberg

Goodness & State

The Good of Politics: A Biblical, Historical, and Contemporary Introduction
by James W. Skillen
reviewed by J. Daryl Charles


Every issue of Touchstone also contains short commentaries by our editors, news about the persecuted church, and our spirited letters section.

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