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Mad About Unity

The Unique Fellowship of the Clearly Divided
by David Mills


Post Conversion

Sally Quinn Gets Religion, Sort Of
by Mark Tooley


Helpers Meet?

A Symposium on Dating, Courtship & Marriage
by S. M. Hutchens


The Leading Edge

Permutations of Evolution

by Phillip E. Johnson

Abort, Retry, or Ignore?

by Hadley Arkes

As It Is Written...

The Worldling

by Patrick Henry Reardon

20.8—October 2007


The Pearl of Great Wisdom

The Deep & Abiding Biblical Roots of Western Liberal Education
by David Lyle Jeffrey


A Time to Move On

Anthony Esolen on Sending Our Children into Eternity (A Graduation Address)

Aliens in Zion

Louis Markos on Why I Can’t Be Just Another Earthman

At Home in Zion

Steven K. Gjerde on the Gift of Living in a Parsonage

Quite Beyond Us

Patrick Henry Reardon on the Unfathomable Self-Consciousness of Jesus

book reviews

God’s Fences

A Secular Faith: Why Christianity Favors the Separation of Church and State
reviewed by Robert W. Patterson

History Unhinged

Mysteries of the Middle Ages: The Rise of Feminism, Science, and Art from the Cults of Catholic Europe
reviewed by Robert C. Cheeks

Faith Underground

The Christian Catacombs of Rome: History, Decoration, Inscriptions by Vincenzo Fiocchi Nicolai, Fabrizio Bisconti,
reviewed by Mike Aquilina

A Two-Legged Stool

Is Democracy Possible Here? Principles for a New Political Debate by Ronald Dworkin
reviewed by David L. Tubbs

Toxic Waste

God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything by Christopher Hitchens
reviewed by Richard Kirk


Every issue of Touchstone also contains short commentaries by our editors, news about the persecuted church, and our spirited letters section.

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