Domestic Capital

George Gilder's Men and Marriage
by C. R. Wiley

Men and Marriage is back, meaning the book by George Gilder, which was republished by Canon Press, a feisty publisher in the panhandle of Idaho, in 2023. And it’s timely, too, considering that men and marriage have seen better days.

Gilder is best known as a futurist and cheerleader for capitalism, with books such as Life After Google and his international best-seller, Wealth and Poverty. He’s also a founder of what has become a nexus of “intelligent design,” the Discovery Institute, located in Seattle, Washington. But it was his dogged defense of marriage and traditional sex roles that first thrust him into the public eye in the 1970s. Cancellations and protests followed. These would have ended the writing career of most men, or left them licking their wounds and settling scores. But not George Gilder.


C. R. Wiley is a pastor and writer living in the Pacific Northwest. He has written for many publications, his favorite being Touchstone. His most recent book, In the House of Tom Bombadil, is available from Canon Press. He is a senior editor of Touchstone.

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