The End of an Age

Theological error usually involves seizing upon selected aspects of Truth to the suppression or denial of others. This is what gives rise to the sectarian division in which the churches currently find themselves. But for this to happen, the errorist must be operating in the sphere of Truth to begin with; he cannot correct an error in Truth by proposing a falsity in its place. He cannot, for example, oppose a failure to extend in Christ’s name the universal invitation to come to him and be saved with the teaching that all will in fact be saved, which the Lord himself gives us ample reason to deny.

Correction of the error involves repentance from the original failure, but this repentance is the very thing “denominations” are set up to resist. Most of them name themselves after what makes them elect and different from all the others, thereby providing presumptive evidence of just what is wrong with them.

It is my belief that the most profound revolution in the churches in our day, which looks externally like the failure of Christendom, is in fact the universal end of the Denominational Age, when the churches can no longer credibly stand as Christian with their corporate divisions but must come to rely for their identity as such upon fidelity to the common faith and its works. They also must expect discredit for both their claims to singularity and their failures to bear strong witness to the universal moral law as the foundation of the creed upon which their Christology and doctrine of salvation rest.

The value of the concept of “mere Christianity” is that it stands for just this—and if this is so, the “mere” can safely be removed, so the terrible army with all its banners may be more easily seen by both its friends and its enemies.

S. M. Hutchens is a senior editor and longtime writer for Touchstone.

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