Against the Stream

Apologia: A Memoir by Aidan Nichols

Aidan Nichols is surely dean of the guild of publishing Roman Catholic theologians in Great Britain, with many book titles and much scholarly achievement to his credit. Having reached his mid-seventies, one would expect the familiar Cambridge Dominican to be basking in a glow of merited affection and honor, but a modest volume of respectful questioning of the direction of the Bergoglio pontificate on his part has prompted his transfer from the Dominican to the Premonstratensian Order, rendered him of no fixed abode, and thrown obstacles in the way of his carrying out his vocation as priest, religious, and teacher of theology.

As he remains in the throes of an unanticipated season of tumult in his old age (“If you want a quiet life, do not get involved with God, Gospel, and Church!”, 143), Nichols has happily emerged from a period of imposed silence with the release of an autobiographical memoir that carries a whiff of the Apologia produced by his hero, John Henry Newman, in response to Charles Kingsley’s blistering attack on his personal integrity.


John R. Stephenson taught at Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary, St Catharines, Ontario, for 34 years, until his retirement at the end of 2022.

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