Canadian Gold

Images of Pilgrimage by Robert D. Crouse; Gary Thorne, ed.

The Soul’s Pilgrimage by Robert D. Crouse; Gary Thorne, ed.
• Volume I: From Advent to Pentecost
• Volume II: The Descent of the Dove and the Spiritual Life

To paraphrase Nathaniel, good things can come out of Canada, even in today’s political climate and even from the Anglican Church. Though not as well known to the outside world as a Radner, Peterson, or Pageau, a hardy band of traditional Anglo-Catholic Canadians lives on, including the principal of Pusey House in Oxford and the president of the new Ralston College in Georgia. Their spiritual home is King’s College, Halifax, where they were formed under a common spiritual and intellectual mentor, Fr. Robert Darwin Crouse (d. 2011).


Thomas Plant is a priest of the Anglican Church in Japan, chaplain at Rikkyo (St Paul’s) University in Tokyo, and a fellow of the Cambridge Centre for the Study of Platonism. He is the author of The Lost Way to the Good (Angelico, 2021).

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