Touchstone Churches (cont.)

In our last issue we announced a new idea, “Touchstone Churches,” where we asked church pastors who like our journal to give us the contact info for their parishes. We will post the list online and in the magazine so that our subscribers and their friends and family members have a place to turn to when searching for a well-anchored church.

Pastors can sign up their churches at, and we’ve also added a link at the top of our website. We will have a list ready soon  . . . stay tuned.

J. Douglas Johnson is the executive editor of Touchstone and the executive director of the Fellowship of St. James.

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more from the online archives

31.1—January/February 2018

In Defense of Prudery

The Wisdom of the Victorian Quest for Innocence by David Sandifer

23.1—January/February 2010

The Audacity of the State

It’s Bent on Bringing Down the House on the Family & the Church by Douglas Farrow

19.5—June 2006

The Creed We Need

On the Picture of God We Draw with Words by David Mills

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