Toxic Feminism

The Genesis of Gender: A Christian Theory by Abigail Favale

Ignatius Press, 2022
(251 pages, $17.95, paperback)

The rapid spread of gender dysphoria is an urgent problem—not just because of the tidal wave of teenagers, most of them girls, struggling with their sexual identity, but particularly because our medical establishment generally avoids asking the hard questions and instead has decided simply to affirm our kids’ self-identification. Parents are often without recourse when, to their own spiritual and physical detriment, their girls insist on testosterone treatment followed by a double mastectomy and other surgical steps deforming their growing female bodies.


Hans Boersma is the Saint Benedict Servants of Christ Professor in Ascetical Theology at Nashotah House Theological Seminary.

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more on feminism from the online archives

32.4—July/August 2019

The Two Faces of Modern Misandry

2018 Conference Talk by S. M. Hutchens

33.1—January/February 2020

It's Personal

on the Consequences of One Birth Before Roe v. Wade by Craig Kellogg Galer

14.6—July/August 2001

What Women Need

Three Bad Ideas for Women & What to Do About Them by Frederica Mathewes-Green

more from the online archives

32.5—September/October 2019

Feral Sexuality

on the Inhuman Transformation of Transgenderism by Anthony Esolen

26.1—Jan/Feb 2013

Scarborough Needs Men

Manly Chastity, Hedonism & the Law of Non-contradiction by Anthony Esolen

32.5—September/October 2019

Make Men Pious Again

2018 Conference Talk by C. R. Wiley

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