Rediscovering Our Roots by Thomas A. Baima

Rediscovering Our Roots

The Theology of Pope Benedict XVI: The Christocentric Shift
by Emery de Gaál
Palgrave/Macmillian, 2010
(392 pages, $35.00, paperback)

reviewed by Thomas A. Baima

Dogmatic theology seeks to show the interconnectedness and relationship of individual doctrines to one another and to the whole of the theological enterprise. The task is to comprehend the trees, the forest, and the vast panorama of the world in which they exist.


Thomas A. Baima is a Roman Catholic priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago and provost of the University of Saint Mary of the Lake in Mundelein, Illinois. He holds a doctorate from the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas in Rome/Angelicum.

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