All Crossed Up by Michael Horton

All Crossed Up

Michael Horton on the Ordinary Ministry That Can’t Corner the Market

Never mind Paul’s exhortation to Timothy to submit to elders and pastors as official ambassadors of Christ. These days, even in more confessional denominations, it seems that instead of being the Lord’s servant, ambassador, and minister of reconciliation, a pastor is supposed to be the community’s quarterback, class president, or the one voted “most likely to succeed.”

It used to be that the pastor had an office and worked in his study, but today the pastor has a job and works in his office. Whereas Peter organized the diaconal office so that the apostles could devote themselves to the Word and to prayer, ideal ministers seem increasingly to be managers, therapists, entertainers, and entrepreneurial businesspeople.


Michael Horton is J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics at Westminster Seminary California (, near San Diego, and the editor of Modern Reformation magazine ( His most recent book is Covenant and Salvation: Union with Christ (WJK, 2007). His essay on the ?worship wars? will appear in a future issue.

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