Unwashed Masses by Mike Aquilina

Unwashed Masses

Through Their Own Eyes: Liturgy as the Byzantines Saw It
by Robert F. Taft, S.J.
InterOrthodox Press, 2006
(200 pages, $19.95, paperback)

reviewed by Mike Aquilina

Despite the civil unrest in the late 1950s, a young Jesuit priest serving a parish in Baghdad traveled the Iraqi countryside observing the liturgies of the Syriac-speaking villages and monasteries. And there Robert Taft, S.J., got hooked on liturgics. Since then, he’s written about three dozen books and several hundred articles on the ancient liturgies and the Fathers.


Mike Aquilina is vice president of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology (www.salvationhistory.com) and a general editor of The Catholic Vision of Love catechetical series.

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