Reduced to Tears by Annegret Hunter

Reduced to Tears

Annegret Hunter on Taking the Body Too Seriously

It is always painful for me to go to the doctor; therefore, I avoid it as much as possible. My doctor is a tiny slip of a woman with a one-track mind: “You have to lose weight. You must exercise more. What do you do for exercise?”

On an average day, I rush up and down the upper and basement stairs at least one hundred seventy-nine times, with and without arms full of laundry—running after boys, fetching, bringing, lugging, looking for things, cleaning, wiping, running after calls: front door, back door, husband, grandma, telephone, boy in basement, boy in attic. . . .


Annegret Hunter recovered after homeschooling two boys and was pleased to discover she was still a Christian, a wife, and a bookbinder. Her husband Graeme is a contributing editor of Touchstone.

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