Kill-De-Sac by Raymond J. Keating


Death By Suburb: How To Keep the Suburbs From Killing Your Soul
by David L. Goetz
HarperSanFrancisco, 2006
(214 pages, $23.95, hardcover)

reviewed by Raymond J. Keating

The US Census Bureau reports that roughly half of Americans live in the suburbs. Does this suburban life jeopardize their souls? Based on his own experiences as a suburbanite, David L. Goetz worries that getting caught up in the daily trappings and affluence of modern suburban life can pull one away from Jesus Christ.


Raymond J. Keating is a columnist for Newsday on Long Island, and also writes a weekly ?On the Church and Society? column for Orthodoxy Today. An economist, he has written for The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and other publications. He is a member of Christ Lutheran Church (Lutheran Church?Missouri Synod) in East Moriches, New York.

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