My Homework Assignment by Annegret Hunter

My Homework Assignment

Annegret Hunter on the Joys of Losing a Career & Gaining a Calling

You did what?” exclaimed Dr. Smith’s impeccably groomed wife, Ms. Something-or-other, herself being a civil servant, and stepped back several paces. “I homeschooled my children.” She retreated further, smiled incredulously, her eyes saying: Wow, what a nutcase, looks harmless enough, though; turned her back, and started to converse with someone else. Since I am a sheltered woman and thankfully rarely go to official gatherings, I find this reaction amusing—it is my husband who must endure a lot more.

A Kept Fake


Annegret Hunter recovered after homeschooling two boys and was pleased to discover she was still a Christian, a wife, and a bookbinder. Her husband Graeme is a contributing editor of Touchstone.

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