Peace Pipe Dream by Amanda Witt

Peace Pipe Dream

The Right To Be Wrong:
Ending The Culture War Over Religion In America
by Kevin Seamus Hasson
Encounter Books, 2005
(147 pages, $25.95, hardcover)

reviewed by Amanda Witt

Pilgrims,” writes the founder and chairman of the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, are “truth-at-all-costs zealots of one persuasion or another” who think only their religion should be allowed in public, while “Park Rangers” are “equal-opportunity oppressors who seek, in the name of freedom, to exclude all religious elements of culture, whatever the underlying faith might be.”


Amanda Witt discusses Christianity, culture, and life as a homeschooling mother at the weblog Wittingshire ( She lives with her husband and three children in Port Orchard, Washington.

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