The Very Last Straw? by William Murchison

The Very Last Straw?

Conservative Episcopalians Rally in Texas

by William Murchison

It isn’t that the ruckus threatening now to cleave Anglicanism like an overripe cantaloupe has nothing to do with sex. It would be disingenuous to say such a thing. Sex, in all its manifold forms and expressions, pervades modern culture, from top to bottom. The almost 2,700 Episcopalians (including 46 bishops, 799 priests, and 103 seminarians) who turned up at Dallas’s gargantuan Wyndham Anatole Hotel in early October had not come to revisit women’s ordination (which most support) or even to debate modernized liturgical language (which most there seem to have adopted anyway).


William Murchison a syndicated columnist, is author of Mortal Follies: Episcopalians and the Crisis of Mainline Christianity (Encounter Books).

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