Aground off Laodicaea by Francis Gardom

Aground off Laodicaea

Francis Gardom on Lukewarm Clergy

A friend is a leading figure in one of the Continuing Anglican Churches, and over the years he has asked himself time and again why many fellow priests who are relentlessly critical of the theological and moral heterodoxies of the Episcopal Church are nevertheless unwilling to “take the plunge” and separate themselves from a body they believe to be beyond reform.

Sometimes the reason is obvious: Financial, career, or family considerations may conspire to keep them where they are—at least for the time being. But what of the others, those who would appear to have nothing to lose by taking such a step? My friend, writing of such a person, said in a recent letter:


Francis Gardom is a priest in the Church of England and Honorary Secretary of Cost of Conscience, an international association of Anglican priests committed to safeguarding the deposit of faith.

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