Blinded by the Light? by Brian McDonald

Blinded by the Light?

A Light Too Bright: The Enlightenment Today: An Assessment of the Values of the European Enlightenment and a Search for New Foundations
by Paulos Mar Gregorios
Albany: State University of New York Press, 1992
(261 pages, $57.50 cloth, $18.95 paper)

reviewed by Brian McDonald

Any reader of this fascinating work will, at some point, lay down the book, shake his head and ask aloud, “How does this man know so much?” Paulos Mar Gregorios, former president of the World Council of Churches and current Bishop of Delhi in the Syrian Orthodox Church of India, seems equally at home in the worlds of ancient Indian philosophy, Orphic religion, modern quantum physics, nineteenth-century German metaphysics or twentieth-century logical positivism. Though he is particularly attracted to certain schools of German philosophy, no thick Germanic denseness fogs his work. His analyses are both profound and as lucid as the daylight which provides this book with its central metaphor.


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