Three Sisters & the Puritan by James L. Sauer

Three Sisters & the Puritan

by James L. Sauer

Archives.  That’s what brought us together. The room was full of librarians, registrars, and other academic life-forms. We moved toward the beautifully arranged luncheon tables and were seated. I was sitting with three sisters. No, they weren’t related. They were nuns, three old nuns: human relics of Catholicism as it was a generation ago. After preliminary announcements, grace was said, and the waiters began to serve the meal.

The food was excellent. The first course was a soup, a tasty vegetable in a clear broth.


James L. Sauer is the Director of Warner Memorial Library at Eastern College in St. Davids, Pennsylvania. He and his wife, Paula, live in Coatesville, Pennsylvania with their seven children.

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