Evading the Creed by David Mills

Evading the Creed

The Various Attacks on the Faith of the Church & Why They Fail

by David Mills

Not only the various claims in the Christian Creed, but also the authority of the Creed is under attack, and at high levels. The direct assaults upon orthodox Christianity by would-be heresiarchs receive all the attention, but a greater threat to the faith has gone more or less unnoticed. This threat is the popular attempt to keep the Creed in a place of authority while draining its meaning and drastically reducing its effect on the life of the Church. It dissolves the hold of the Creed upon the minds and allegiance of the faithful by reinterpreting its plain and obvious and hitherto accepted meaning and by changing its place in the Church’s life. It does not discard the Creed but evades it.


David Mills has been editor of Touchstone and executive editor of First Things.

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