
The Christian as Scientist

by Thomas S. Buchanan


Still Nothing to Celebrate

Ecumenical Student Conference Includes “Pro-Gay” Themes
by Mark Tooley

East Meets English

The International Symposium on English Translations of Byzantine Liturgical Texts
by William J. Tighe


Practical Christianity

Capitalizing Tradition

by Thomas S. Buchanan

12.4—July/August 1999


Darwin’s Breakdown

Irreducible Complexity & Design at the Foundation of Life
by Michael Behe

The "Just So" Universe

The Fine-Tuning of Constants & Conditions in the Cosmos
by Walter Bradley

Signs of Intelligence

A Primer on the Discernment of Intelligent Design
by William A. Dembski

The Wedge

Breaking the Modernist Monopoly on Science
by Phillip E. Johnson

Design & the Discriminating Public

Gaining a Hearing from Ordinary People
by Nancy Pearcey

The Regeneration of Science & Culture

The Cultural Implications of Scientific Materialism Versus Intelligent Design
by John G. West

Word Games

DNA, Design, & Intelligence
by Stephen C. Meyer

Making Sense of Biology

The Evidence for Development by Design
by Jonathan Wells

Unfit for Survival

The Fatal Flaws of Natural Selection
by Paul A. Nelson

The World as Text

Science, Letters & the Recovery of Meaning
by Patrick Henry Reardon

Getting God a Pass

Science, Theology, & the Consideration of Intelligent Design
by John Mark Reynolds

Proud Obstacles & a Reasonable Hope

The Apologetic Value of Intelligent Design
by Jay W. Richards


Speaking in Tongues

Preston Jones on Language, Faith & Culture

The Divide That Is There

S. M. Hutchens on Egalitarian Christianity

An Orthodox Appreciation of George MacDonald

Robert W. Grano on George MacDonald

book reviews

Just a Few Other Gospels

Mansions of the Spirit
by Michael Ingham
reviewed by Terry Mattingly

The New Sexual Revolution

A Return to Modesty
by Wendy Shalit
reviewed by Sam Torode

Modernism & Theology

The First Moderns
by William R. Everdell
reviewed by S. M. Hutchens


Every issue of Touchstone also contains short commentaries by our editors, news about the persecuted church, and our spirited letters section.

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