Thirty Years of Light & Glory by John Fea

Thirty Years of Light & Glory

The Perils of Providential History

by John Fea

For most baby boomers, the name Peter Marshall triggers memories of the straight man who kept Paul Lynde and Charlie Weaver in line as the host of the 1970s game show Hollywood Squares. But a baby boomer raised in the Evangelical subculture might recall Catherine Marshall’s book A Man Called Peter, the biography of her husband, a Scottish-born Presbyterian minister who served two years as chaplain to the United States Senate before his death in 1949 at the age of forty-five. The story of Peter Marshall’s journey from Ellis Island to Washington, and the faith that sustained him along the way, has inspired Evangelical Christians for half a century.


John Fea teaches American history at Messiah College in Grantham, Pennsylvania. He is the author of The Way of Improvement Leads Home: Philip Vickers Fithian and the Rural Enlightenment in America (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008) and writes for the weblog Religion and American History (

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