The Fog of Choice by Christopher Tollefsen

The Fog of Choice

Dispelling the Myths of Abortion History
by Joseph W. Dellapenna
Carolina Academic Press, 2006
(1,300 pages, $95.00, hardcover)

reviewed by Christopher Tollefsen

The sinews of his stones are wrapped together.” So the Book of Job speaks of Behemoth, sometimes understood to be Satan. Some have held this to mean that Satan can literally entrap us in sin, leaving us damned if we do, and damned if we don’t. But a different reading is possible: By snaring us in one sin, Satan inevitably snares us in many.


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more on abortion from the online archives

26.1—Jan/Feb 2013

The Destroyer of Peace

on Abortion as a Matter of National Welfare by W. Ross Blackburn

30.3—May/June 2017

Known Trespassing

on the Misuse of Property Rights to Justify Slavery & Abortion by Robert Hart

27.2—March/April 2014

The Rights of Aphrodite

on C. S. Lewis & the New State Paganism by W. E. Knickerbocker

more from the online archives

33.1—January/February 2020

Forbidden Lies

Speaking Truth About the Sexes Is Not Optional by Anthony Esolen

35.6—Nov/Dec 2022

To Is or Not To Is

on E-Prime by J. Douglas Johnson

23.6—November/December 2010

Darwin, Design & Thomas Aquinas

The Mythical Conflict Between Thomism & Intelligent Design by Logan Paul Gage

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