New Kid From the Bloc by Andrew Sorokowski

New Kid From the Bloc

Will Ukraine Help to Reorient Post-Christian Europe?

by Andrew Sorokowski

If a latter-day Vladimir the Great, baptizer of the Eastern Slavs, were to choose a new creed for his people, would he still choose Christianity? Or looking toward the European Union as his model and ally, might he instead select the new creed of the European elite: a secular humanism based on pluralism, tolerance, equality, and human rights, with its Christian roots neatly amputated?


Andrew Sorokowski , a historical researcher for the Department of Justice, is the editor of A Millennium of Christian Culture in Ukraine (Ukrainian Millennium Committee in Great Britain, 1988) and the author of articles in scholarly journals such as Religion in Communist Lands and The Ukrainian Historian. From 1984 to 1987 he was a member of the research staff at Keston College in England (www. and from 1989 to 1990 served in Rome on the chancery staff of the late Myroslav Ivan Cardinal Lubachivsky. He lives with his wife in Rockville, Maryland, and attends Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church in Silver Spring, Maryland.

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