J. W. Nevin on the Sectarian Mind by S. M. Hutchens

J. W. Nevin on the Sectarian Mind

Lessons from Mercersburg for Modern Evangelicals

by S. M. Hutchens

Mercersburg is still there, but there is little about it to show its importance in the theological history of America. It is a town of sixteen hundred or so about ten miles southeast of McConnellsburg and twenty miles southwest of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. The seminary of the German Reformed church it once contained has long since moved and merged with the one in Lancaster now belonging to the United Church of Christ. Given the character of that denomination, one would expect the Mercersburg of the mid-nineteenth century to hold little more than antiquarian interest for its institutional heirs, and not even much of that. It is no surprise that the six projected volumes of the Lancaster Series on the Mercersburg Theology to have been published by the United Church Press was begun more than twenty-five years ago but has never been finished.


S. M. Hutchens is a senior editor and longtime writer for Touchstone.

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