Is <body> <title>Theological Bru-Ha-Ha by James L. Sauer

Theological Bru-Ha-Ha

by James L. Sauer

Once upon a time there was a church. It was a church that believed in the doctrines of Bru-ha-ha, and it wasn’t afraid to admit it. Melvin Digby Bru-ha-ha, as I’m sure you will recall, was a famed Bible expositer from some time back who discovered certain essential Bible truths. He organized these truths in his now famous treatise: Systematic Bru-ha-haism: A Biblical Theology.

Now as time went by, other Bible expositers discovered other truths from Scripture; and they organized their thoughts as well: R. J. Pumpernickle, Dogmatic Pumpernicklism; D. D. Muchado, Biblical Muchadoism; and L. M. Obscure, Theological Obscurantism. And of course there were more writers than these, wherein, I suppose, if we were to write them all down they would fill a good-sized seminary library.


James L. Sauer is the Director of Warner Memorial Library at Eastern College in St. Davids, Pennsylvania. He and his wife, Paula, live in Coatesville, Pennsylvania with their seven children.

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